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To be like fleitha - of weight loss. I have many friends who want to lose weight. I created this blog to help them, and everyone who wants to be slim, to realize his dream. Are You Trying To Lose Weight? Do You Know Your Bmi And Bmr? If you have been trying to lose weight, then you ought to find out these 2 crucial weight loss keys. The first is your BMI and the next is BMR.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010. Krill Oil or Fish Oil - That is The Question. You do need to know about the next big thing for staying healthy and it is. So you must get them from the food you eat and from supplementation.
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Tuesday, October 9, 2012. Do separate beds make for better sleep. Do separate beds make for better sleep. Many researchers say that twos beds are best. One for intimacy and one for sleep. How to sleep better at night. How to sleep better at night. Get your own sheets and blankets. Using separate ones can make up for different temperature needs you and your partner may have. When I first heard this .
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The downloads pages has been temporarily taken down until I can clean up a few things. It should be back up in a few days. The maintenance is completed and the downloads page has been restored. Go to the Downloads button and click the RadioDJ drop down sub-menu. Corrected descriptions on downloads page.